Shipping & Returns
Shipping Policy
We'll do our absolute best to deliver products in the allotted time. From time to time we may be a day late, or maybe even a day early. But, our priority is our customers, so know that we're working as hard as we can to get you your gear in the amount of time we said it would take.
Mt. Envy Return & Exchange Policy
We don't have lifetime warranties on our products, but we want our gear to last as long as you want to use it. We understand things happen. If there's something wrong with our gear, then let us know and we'll do our best to make it right.
If you take our gear to a volcano and a spew of molten lava strikes one of our products, then we hope you're alright, but we won't be replacing that for you.
If you find yourself face to face with a grizzly bear, and the only way to save your butt is to throw your hip pack full of sugary snacks at it in hopes of a distraction, then we hope that works, but we won't be replacing that pack for you.
If you're mountain biking and you try a sick jump, but you land in a tree and the only way to get down is to take your Mt. Envy shirt off and use it as a zip line handle, then that was really cool you were able to do that, but we won't be replacing your shirt.
If you're hang gliding, and a gust of wind blows you off course, and you take off your pants to use them as a wind anchor, but then you realize that wind anchors aren't an actual thing, and in an attempt to put your pants back on mid flight, you lose them, then we won't be able to replace those pants for you. Hopefully someone else found them and is using them though.
If you're scuba diving and you befriend an octopus because you saw a documentary about an octopus teacher, but then you realize the octopus is not your friend or your teacher when it shoots ink at you... and then afterwards when you emerge onto land and put your Mt. Envy hat back on, but forget that the octopus ink is still in your hair, then we unfortunately will not be replacing your octopus ink-stained hat for you. Definitely a cool story to tell though, when people ask about your dirty-looking Mt. Envy hat.
If you are traversing the Amazon rain forest and you encounter a ball python that attempts to eat you, by first wrapping itself around your legs, then up to your waste and before you know it, your neck... and in a last ditch attempt to save your own life you take your hip pack's water hose and begin to strike the snake in the eyes and what you think might be its ears, which ends up working, but leaves your water hose full of cracks and holes... then we might actually replace that hose for you because we didn't know our water bladder hoses could save lives from snake attacks. So, you and everyone else deserves that feature.
If you're snow mobiling across the frozen Russian Tundra and you realize a blizzard is approaching, and you have to find shelter fast, at which point you conveniently come across an abandoned shack, but only to find that it's locked and all windows are barred shut... with temperatures dropping fast, you decide to start digging a snow hole (or a snow cave because you can't remember what they're called), but while digging you realize you've actually disturbed a snow panther's den, and that snow panther is upset at you because it's now exposed to the inevitable blizzard, and so it starts attacking you, and ends up ripping your Mt. Envy clothes pretty badly, but you escape with your life because the blizzard ended up being too much to bare for the snow panther, so it ran away, at which point you seized the opportunity to take ownership of the panther's den, then we probably won't be able to replace your panther-ripped clothes for you. But we hope that panther made it out alive because they're pretty rare we hear.
If for some reason you went sky diving and your parachute didn't open, and your body splattered onto the ground along with your Mt. Envy clothes, then we don't think there's really a need to replace those clothes for you. But, if you happened to write all your clothes into your will, for them to go to your best friend, Cody, then we probably won't ever hear from Cody because I doubt he wants a replacement of the clothes you were wearing when you plummeted to your death. We're still hear though if he wants to reach out.
If you've decided you're finally going to hike the full Appalachian trail, and begin to purchase gear from Mt. Envy, but during your preparation you go bankrupt and can no longer afford the gear you just purchased, and instead of returning the gear right away, you wait a full year, just like you kept pushing off your Appalachian trail goal, and apparently your credit card payments as well, then we are open to discussing options, but we have a feeling you might put off the conversation, and we'll have a hard time reaching you, which will be a never-ending resolved matter in our lives. Thank you for that.
If you're attempting the Dawn Wall untethered and you get really tired about a quarter of the way up, which is probably close to a few hundred feet, and you find yourself stranded on a ledge with no way way up or down due to pure exhaustion... and you have only a Cliff bar and a half liter of water left, but your cell phone has a full charge because you decided to charge it before you started climbing, which was smart, but it didn't matter because you aren't getting any service. So... you decide to fashion an S.O.S banner out of your Mt. Envy clothes you were wearing, but by doing so you've exposed your body to the cold elements, and you begin to get pretty cold, but you know it's important to get someone's attention, so you continue to wave your "rescue me" banner in hopes someone will see you before night fall, plus you're thinking that you're staying warm by waving this banner around as much as you are, so it feels like the right move, but then you start to realize you're also burning calories and are losing water, and you're unsure how long you might need to survive up there, which causes you to panic a little... so in an attempt to speed up the rescue process you begin jumping up and down profusely while screaming out at the top of your lungs "help me", but in doing so you strain your voice and you begin to feel parched, so you drink your remaining water, which let's the tiredness of the day overcome you, and as the sun lowers itself beyond the horizon, you put your clothes back, eat your Cliff Bar, and prepare for the long, cold and dark night ahead of you. If this is you, please let us know when you get back down safely and we'll discuss a media partnership where you can talk about how it was Mt. Envy's bright blue and pink logo that drew someone's attention and ultimately saved your life. We'll sponsor you and everything. If you're still up on the Dawn Wall, we wish you a safe passage, and you know... all good things. Stay positive. DON'T FALL. And uh, hang in there.
For all other scenarios please don't hesitate to reach out to support for more ways we can help.
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